Get to know Mapa do Acolhimento's Mobilization area

The Maria da Penha Law provides for the creation and strengthening of support services for survivors of domestic violence in all sectors of government in Brazil - so public and comprehensive support can and should be within everyone's reach.

Despite this, many women take a while to understand that they are experiencing violence and don't know where to get help to break this cycle.

A área de mobilização do Mapa do Acolhimento desenvolve estratégias para o fortalecimento de um tecido social em defesa da rede de serviços públicos de atendimento às mulheres.


With initiatives such as the Multipliers Program, we want to build a large community of activists committed to changing this scenario through actions that:

Strengthen public services in the network to tackle violence against women through collaboration between civil society and the government.

Disseminate information about public support services for survivors of violence, such as multidisciplinary support centers and health, care and security services.

If you are an activist committed to fighting gender-based violence, join our community!!

What our
Multipliers are saying

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