Get to know Mapa do Acolhimento's
Cooperation with Governments program

Gender-based violence in Brazil is a complex and multifaceted problem, requiring combined action between the state and civil society to tackle it effectively. While third sector organizations have accumulated valuable expertise in specific areas, only the state has the resources and capillarity needed to ensure that all Brazilian women have access to the mechanisms for protection and addressing violence established in the Maria da Penha Law.

The Cooperation with Governments program aims to collaborate with government entities to increase the state's capacity to implement policies for women and to offer training for public servants.

Our Projects

Alagoas por Elas

In a pilot project in Alagoas, in partnership with the GENi Institute, we signed a cooperation agreement with the Alagoas State Secretariat for Women and Human Rights.
The project included the construction of a state plan for women's policies and a training course for public managers.

Chamada pelo Acolhimento

In partnership with Serenas and the Ministry of Women's National Secretariat for Combating Violence Against Women, we produced an information guide and video lessons aimed at supporting professionals who assist women victims of violence. We also held face-to-face training in Brasilia for the operators of Ligue 180 - the Women's Call Center.

Click here to explore other program areas and learn about Mapa do Acolhimento's full strategy for positively transforming the lives of Brazilian women.

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