We are an organization made by and for women.

We exist since 2016 so that Brazilian women have access to comprehensive and effective support to break the cycle of violence and regain control over their lives. Learn more about our theory of change.

Map of Public Services in the Network to Combat Violence Against Women

Access information on the functioning and address of the network's services, such as police stations, reference centers, defense offices, health and social assistance units. If you're in Brazil, access the map and find the service closest to you! 

To mobilize for women's rights

If you are in Brazil and want to mobilize for women's rights and in defense of public support policies, join our community of Multipliers!

Who makes Mapa do Acolhimento

Behind the scenes of our operation is a multidisciplinary women's team, spread across different parts of Brazil.

We'll find the best way to help you live a life without violence. You can receive help from our volunteer psychologists and lawyers or be guided to seek care in specialized public services.

If you are a psychologist or lawyer in Brazil and want to make a difference in other women's lives, join our network of volunteers! Click on the button below and find out more about our volunteer program:

We are an organization made by and for women.

We exist since 2016 so that Brazilian women have access to comprehensive and effective support to break the cycle of violence and regain control over their lives. Learn more about our theory of change:

Access information on the functioning and address of the network's services, such as police stations, reference centers, defense offices, health and social assistance units. If you're in Brazil, access the map and find the service closest to you!

Casa Da Mulher Brasileira - São Paulo (SP)

CEP: 01518-030, SÃO PAULO-SP, N/I
[email protected]
Service: Casas da Mulher Brasileira

If you are in Brazil and want to mobilize for women's rights and in defense of public support policies, join our community of Multipliers!

Who makes Mapa do Acolhimento

Behind the scenes of our operation is a multidisciplinary women's team, spread across different parts of Brazil.

Subscribe to our newsletter

Enter your e-mail address and receive monthly updates on our work and opportunities for action.

Frequently asked questions

To receive support, you need to fill out a form with your personal information and details about the violence you experienced. Based on this information, we will search for the closest and most available volunteers to assist you. The volunteer(s)' contact information will be sent to your email, and it is up to you to schedule the first meeting directly with them. Our services are only available in Brazil.
To register as a volunteer, check if you meet the criteria, fill out the form with your professional information and sign the Volunteer Agreement. Next, complete all the training modules, a quick course that explains how volunteering works with Mapa do Acolhimento. Afterward, you will be notified via email whenever a woman requires assistance.
If our system doesn't find a volunteer available at the moment, the survivor will be put on the waiting list and all updates about her request for help will be sent by email.

Subscribe to our newsletter

Contact us

Fill in the form below and contact us with any questions, suggestions or partnerships.